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Author Topic: New Ibn Baṣṣāl manuscript?  (Read 27540 times)
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« on: October 04, 2011, 12:51:43 PM »

The Bibliothèque Virtuelle de la Méditerranée has published digital images of a complete manuscript of 11 folios, referenced tia 12/4 from the Bibliothèque de manuscrits Lmuhub Ulahbib in Bejaïa, Algeria, catalogued as the Kitab Mukhtassar al-Filaha (‘The Concise Book of Farming’) of Abi Abd Allah Muhammad ben Ibrahim ben Basal living 476/1086:

I can find no other mention of this abridgement of Ibn Baṣṣāl or to the ms. in question (it is not mentioned in Carabaza et al., 1991, nor in Ṣālihīyya 1984). Since the manuscript is available online and is relatively brief, it would be most useful if one of the Arabists among the Filaha Texts Network could provide the Arabic text and English translation, or at least, a synopsis of the work. Any takers?

Also published on the Bibliothèque Virtuelle de la Méditerranée site is the complete ms. (reference asn) of al-Ra'diya, seemingly in the almanac tradition, by ‘Abī al-Riğāl al-Andalusī (5th/11th C.) or Ibn Abi Rijal, Hassan Al-Andalusi,  

and also

the ms. Tuhfat al-Fallah fima lahu min al-Falah attributed to Abi'l-hassan al-Sufi,

« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 01:53:59 PM by Sijilmassa » Logged
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